Teng Tools

14 in 1 Ratcheting Screwdriver Set

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  • Regular price R 631.30

  • Ratcheting bits driver. Bi-material handle with storage in the handle for bits, reversible ratchet with forward, reverse and fixed settings. Supplied with 7 double ended screwdriver bits.

    Bits ¼inch hex drive double ended 32mm flat bits 4mm x 6mm
    ¼inch hex drive double ended 32mm PH type bits PH0 x PH3, PH1 x PH2
    ¼inch hex drive double ended 32mm PZ type bits PZ0 x PZ3, PZ1 x PZ2
    ¼inchhex drive double ended 32mm TX type bits TX10 x TX15, TX20 x TX25


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